Conversion of chirality to twisting via sequential one-dimensional and two-dimensional growth of graphene spirals

Conversion of chirality to twisting via sequential one-dimensional and two-dimensional growth of graphene spirals

Nature Materials 23, 331–338 (2024).

Zhu-Jun Wang#,*, Xiao Kong#, Yuan Huang#, Jun Li#, Lihong Bao, Kecheng Cao, Yuxiong Hu, Jun Cai, Lifen Wang, Hui Chen, Yueshen Wu, Yiwen Zhang, Fei Pang, Zhihai Cheng, Petr Babor, Miroslav Kolibal, Zhongkai Liu, Yulin Chen, Qiang Zhang, Yi Cui, Kaihui Liu, Haitao Yang, Xinhe Bao, Hong-Jun Gao, Zhi Liu, Wei Ji*, Feng Ding* & Marc-Georg Willinger*


The properties of two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals materials can be tuned through nanostructuring or controlled layer stacking, where interlayer hybridization induces exotic electronic states and transport phenomena. Here we describe a viable approach and underlying mechanism for the assisted self-assembly of twisted layer graphene. The process, which can be implemented in standard chemical vapour deposition growth, is best described by analogy to origami and kirigami with paper. It involves the controlled induction of wrinkle formation in single-layer graphene with subsequent wrinkle folding, tearing and re-growth. Inherent to the process is the formation of intertwined graphene spirals and conversion of the chiral angle of 1D wrinkles into a 2D twist angle of a 3D superlattice. The approach can be extended to other foldable 2D materials and facilitates the production of miniaturized electronic components, including capacitors, resistors, inductors and superconductors.

DOI: 10.1038/s41563-023-01632-y

Also See: News & Views – A double-helix dislocation in graphene | Nature Materials
Also See: Focus – Constructing 2D moiré and chiral materials | Nature Materials








Room-temperature ferromagnetism in Fe-doped SnSe bulk single crystalline semiconductor

Room-temperature ferromagnetism in Fe-doped SnSe bulk single crystalline semiconductor

Materials Today Physics 38,101251 (2023)
Guangqiang Mei, Wei Tan, Xingxia Cui, Cong Wang, Qing Yuan, Yafei Li, Cancan Lou, Xuefeng Hou, Mengmeng Zhao, Yong Liu, Wei Ji, Xiaona Zhang, Min Feng*, Limin Cao*

The quest for pragmatic room-temperature (RT) magnetic semiconductors (MSs) with a suitable bandgap constitutes one of the contemporary opportunities to be exploited. This may provide a materials platform for to bring new-generation ideal information device technologies into real-world applications where the otherwise conventionally separately utilized charge and spin are simultaneously exploited. Here we present RT ferromagnetism in an Fe-doped SnSe (Fe:SnSe) van der Waals (vdW) single crystalline ferromagnetic semiconductor (FMS) with a semiconducting bandgap of ∼1.19 eV (comparable to those of Si and GaAs). The synthesized Fe:SnSe single crystals feature a dilute Fe content of <1.0 at%, a Curie temperature of ∼310 K, a layered vdW structure nearly identical to that of pristine SnSe, and the absence of in-gap defect states. The Fe:SnSe vdW diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) single crystals are grown using a simple temperature-gradient melt-growth process, in which the magnetic Fe atom doping is realized uniquely using FeI2 as the dopant precursor whose melting point is low with respect to crystal growth, and which in principle possesses industrially unlimited scalability. Our work adds a new member in the family of long-searching RT magnetic semiconductors, and may establish a generalized strategy for large-volume production of related DMSs.

Electronic Janus lattice and kagome-like bands in coloring-triangular MoTe2 monolayers

Electronic Janus lattice and kagome-like bands in coloring-triangular MoTe2 monolayers

Nature Communications 14, 6320 (2023).

Le Lei#, Jiaqi Dai#, Haoyu Dong#, Yanyan Geng, Feiyue Cao, Cong Wang, Rui Xu, Fei Pang, Zheng-Xin Liu, Fangsen Li, Zhihai Cheng*, Guang Wang* and Wei Ji*

Abstract: Polymorphic structures of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) host exotic electronic states, like charge density wave and superconductivity. However, the number of these structures is limited by crystal symmetries, which poses a challenge to achieving tailored lattices and properties both theoretically and experimentally. Here, we report a coloring triangle (CT) latticed MoTe2 monolayer, termed CT-MoTe2, constructed by controllably introducing uniform and ordered mirror-twin-boundaries into a pristine monolayer in molecular beam epitaxy. Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) together with theoretical calculations reveal that the monolayer has an electronic Janus lattice, i.e., an energy-dependent atomic-lattice and a Te pseudo-sublattice, and shares the identical geometry with the Mo5Te8 layer. Dirac-like and flat electronic bands inherently existing in the CT lattice are identified by two broad and two prominent peaks in STS spectra, respectively, and verified with density-functional-theory calculations. Two types of intrinsic domain boundaries were observed, one of which the electronic-Janus-lattice feature maintains, implying potential applications as an energy-tunable electron-tunneling barrier in future functional devices.

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42044-5; arXiv:2302.06166

Intralayer Negative Poisson’s Ratio in 2D Black Arsenic by Strain Engineering

Intralayer Negative Poisson’s Ratio in 2D Black Arsenic by Strain Engineering

Small Strucutures (2023), DOI: 10.1002/sstr.202300178

Jingjing Zhang#, Weihan Zhang#, Leining Zhang#, Guoshuai Du, Yunfei Yu, Qinglin Xia, Xu Wu, Yeliang Wang, Wei Ji, Jingsi Qiao*, Feng Ding*, Yabin Chen*


Negative Poisson’s ratio as the anomalous characteristic generally exists in artificial architectures, such as re-entrant and honeycomb structures. The structures with negative Poisson’s ratio have attracted intensive attention due to their unique auxetic effect and many promising applications in shear-resistant and energy absorption fields. However, experimental observation of negative Poisson’s ratio in natural materials barely happens, although various 2D layered materials are predicted in theory. Herein, the anisotropic Raman response and the intrinsic intralayer negative Poisson’s ratio of 2D natural black arsenic (b-As) via strain engineering strategy are reported. The results are evident by the detailed Raman spectrum of b-As under uniaxial strain together with density functional theory calculations. It is found that b-As is softer along the armchair than zigzag direction. The anisotropic mechanical features and van der Waals interactions play essential roles in strain-dependent Raman shifts and negative Poisson’s ratio in the natural b-As along zigzag direction. This work may shed a light on the mechanical properties and potential applications of 2D puckered materials.

DOI: 10.1002/sstr.202300178