I. 英文原版
Stuart Rowan, Ph.D., Barry L MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering Innovation and Enterprise at the University of Chicago and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Macro Letters puts it best by saying don’t wait until the research is completed. As you write the story, he says, more experiments may need to be highlighted. You should start once you begin to see where the story is, even though it isn’t complete because a draft will help guide you, he says.
Oleg V. Prezhdo, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry at the University of Southern California and Senior Editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters says to start writing in the middle of the research process. Scientists should ideally have an outline in mind before even starting their research, he says.
A suggestion Prashant Kamat, Ph.D., John A. Zahm Professor of Science at the Unviersity of Notre Dame and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Energy Letters, gives his students is to write one page a day. It could be about what you did or about something you read a paper about, summarized in a single page. This way all your information is already condensed and ready to be formed into a paper. Regular practice and discipline are essential to writing a great research paper, he says.

II. 中文版
芝加哥大学分子工程创新和企业Barry L MacLean教授兼ACS Macro Letters主编Stuart Rowan博士说得最好不要等到研究完成。他说,当你写这个故事时,可能需要强调更多的实验。他说,一旦你开始看到故事在哪里,你就应该开始,即使它不完整,因为草稿会帮助指导你。
南加州大学化学教授、《物理化学快报》高级编辑Oleg V. Prezhdo博士说,在研究过程中开始写作。他说,理想情况下,科学家在开始研究之前就应该有一个大纲。
圣母大学约翰·A·扎姆(John A. Zahm)科学教授、ACS Energy Letters主编Prashant Kamat博士给他的学生的建议是每天写一页。它可以是关于你做了什么,或者关于你读过一篇论文的东西,总结在一个页面中。这样,您的所有信息都已经浓缩并准备好形成论文。他说,定期的练习和纪律对于撰写一篇伟大的研究论文至关重要。