I. 英文原版
Professor Brent Gunnoe, Ph.D., Commonwealth Professor of Chemistry at the University of Virginia and Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis says his outlines start even before the paper is ready to write. Outlines take time to create from initial ideas. They require revisions until you have the ideal framework to build on. These revisions also help pinpoint any experiments that still need to be performed.
Professor Joan F. Brennecke, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data says outlines are mandatory. They need to be fully detailed and organized in a hierarchy. This level of detail makes writing the paper a simple task of filling in the sentences to link the points.
Professor Prashant Kamat, Ph.D., John A. Zahm Professor of Science at the Unviersity of Notre Dame and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Energy Letters likens the outline to a blueprint. You can’t build a house without one. You need to bring the data together to see how and where everything fits, and if you need more data.
Start outlining early, with as much detail as possible. This will help you see where and if you need to perform more experiments.

II. 中文版
弗吉尼亚大学英联邦化学教授、ACS Catalysis副主编Brent Gunnoe博士说,他的大纲甚至在论文准备写作之前就开始了。大纲需要时间从最初的想法中创建。它们需要修订,直到您拥有理想的框架来构建。这些修订还有助于确定仍需要执行的任何实验。
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学工程教授、《化学与工程数据杂志》主编Joan F. Brennecke教授说,大纲是强制性的。它们需要完全详细并在层次结构中组织。这种详细程度使得撰写论文成为一项简单的任务,即填写句子以链接要点。
Prashant Kamat教授,博士,John A. Zahm圣母大学科学教授和ACS Energy Letters主编将大纲比作蓝图。没有房子就无法建造房屋。您需要将数据汇集在一起,以了解所有内容如何以及在哪里适合,以及是否需要更多数据。