Zhengxian Li, Deping Guo, Kui Huang, Guodong Ma, Xiaolei Liu, Yueshen Wu, Jian Yuan, Zicheng Tao, Binbin Wang, Xia Wang, Zhiqiang Zou, Na Yu, Geliang Yu, Jiamin Xue, Zhongkai Liu, Wei Ji, Jun Li, and Yanfeng Guo
The van der Waals Fe5–xGeTe2 is a 3d ferromagnetic metal with a high Curie temperature of 275 K. We report herein the observation of an exceptional weak antilocalization (WAL) effect that can persist up to 120 K in an Fe5–xGeTe2 nanoflake, indicating the dual nature with both itinerant and localized magnetism of 3d electrons. The WAL behavior is characterized by the magnetoconductance peak around zero magnetic field and is supported by the calculated localized nondispersive flat band around the Fermi level. The peak to dip crossover starting around 60 K in magnetoconductance is visible, which could be ascribed to temperature-induced changes in Fe magnetic moments and the coupled electronic band structure as revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. Our findings would be instructive for understanding the magnetic exchanges in transition metal magnets as well as for the design of next-generation room-temperature spintronic devices.
Yueshen Wu, Yuxiong Hu, Cong Wang, Xiang Zhou, Xiaofei Hou, Wei Xia, Yiwen Zhang, Jinghui Wang, Yifan Ding, Jiadian He, Peng Dong, Song Bao, Jinsheng Wen, Yanfeng Guo, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Wei Ji, Zhu-Jun Wang, Jun Li
Fe3GeTe2 have proven to be of greatly intrigue. However, the underlying mechanism behind the varying Curie temperature (Tc) values remains a puzzle. Here, we explored the atomic structure of Fe3GeTe2 crystals exhibiting Tc values of 160, 210, and 230 K. The elemental mapping reveals a Fe-intercalation on the interstitial sites within the van der Waals gap of the high- Tc (210 and 230 K) samples, which are observed an exchange bias effect by electrical transport measurements, while Fe intercalation or the bias effect is absent in the low-Tc (160 K) samples. First-principles calculations further suggest that the Fe-intercalation layer may be responsible for the local antiferromagnetic coupling that gives rise to the exchange bias effect, and that the interlayer exchange paths greatly contributes to the enhancement of Tc. This discovery of the Fe-intercalation layer elucidates the mechanism behind the hidden antiferromagnetic ordering that underlies the enhancement of Tc in Fe3GeTe2.
Pingfan Gu, Cong Wang, Dan Su, Zehao Dong, Qiuyuan Wang, Zheng Han, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Wei Ji, Young Sun & Yu Ye
A promising approach to the next generation of low-power, functional, and energy-efficient electronics relies on novel materials with coupled magnetic and electric degrees of freedom. In particular, stripy antiferromagnets often exhibit broken crystal and magnetic symmetries, which may bring about the magnetoelectric (ME) effect and enable the manipulation of intriguing properties and functionalities by electrical means. The demand for expanding the boundaries of data storage and processing technologies has led to the development of spintronics toward two-dimensional (2D) platforms. This work reports the ME effect in the 2D stripy antiferromagnetic insulator CrOCl down to a single layer. By measuring the tunneling resistance of CrOCl on the parameter space of temperature, magnetic field, and applied voltage, we verified the ME coupling down to the 2D limit and probed its mechanism. Utilizing the multi-stable states and ME coupling at magnetic phase transitions, we realize multi-state data storage in the tunneling devices. Our work not only advances the fundamental understanding of spin-charge coupling, but also demonstrates the great potential of 2D antiferromagnetic materials to deliver devices and circuits beyond the traditional binary operations.
Shiyuan Wang#, Yao Wang#, Shaohua Yan#, Cong Wang#, Bingke Xiang,Keyi Liang,Qiushi He,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi, Shangjie Tian, Hechang Lei, Wei Ji, Yang Qi, Yihua Wang*
In two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnets, anisotropy is essential for the magnetic ordering as dictated by the Mermin-Wagner theorem. But when competing anisotropies are present, the phase transition becomes nontrivial. Here, utilizing highly sensitive susceptometry of scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy, we probe the spin correlations of ABC-stacked CrBr3 under zero magnetic field. We identify a plateau feature in susceptibility above the critical temperature (�C) in thick samples. It signifies a crossover regime induced by the competition between easy-plane intralayer exchange anisotropy versus uniaxial interlayer anisotropy. The evolution of the critical behavior from the bulk to 2D shows that the competition between the anisotropies is magnified in the reduced dimension. It leads to a strongly frustrated ferromagnetic transition in the bilayer with fluctuation on the order of �C, which is distinct from both the monolayer and the bulk. Our observation demonstrates unconventional 2D critical behavior on a honeycomb lattice.
Jialei Miao#, Linlu Wu#, Zheng Bian, Qinghai Zhu, Tianjiao Zhang, Xin Pan, Jiayang Hu, Wei Xu, Yeliang Wang, Yang Xu, Bin Yu, Wei Ji, Xiaowei Zhang*, Jingsi Qiao*, Paolo Samorì*, and Yuda Zhao*
Two-dimensional (2D) materials with the atomically thin thickness have attracted great interest in the post-Moore’s Law era because of their tremendous potential to continue transistor downscaling and offered advances in device performance at the atomic limit. However, the metal–semiconductor contact is the bottleneck in field-effect transistors (FETs) integrating 2D semiconductors as channel materials. A robust and tunable doping method at the source and drain region of 2D transistors to minimize the contact resistance is highly sought after. Here we report a stable carrier doping method via the mild covalent grafting of maleimides on the surface of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. The chemisorbed interaction contributes to the efficient carrier doping without degrading the high-performance carrier transport. Density functional theory results further illustrate that the molecular functionalization leads to the mild hybridization and the negligible impact on the conduction bands of monolayer MoS2, avoiding the random scattering from the dopants. Differently from reported molecular treatments, our strategy displays high thermal stability (above 300 °C) and it is compatible with micro/nano processing technology. The contact resistance of MoS2 FETs can be greatly reduced by ∼12 times after molecular functionalization. The Schottky barrier of 44 meV is achieved on monolayer MoS2 FETs, demonstrating efficient charge injection between metal and 2D semiconductor. The mild covalent functionalization of molecules on 2D semiconductors represents a powerful strategy to perform the carrier doping and the device optimization.