Metal Halides for High-Capacity Energy Storage

Metal Halides for High-Capacity Energy Storage

Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202205071

Hui Ma, Xusheng Wang, Cong Wang, Huanrong Zhang, Xinlei Ma, Wenjun Deng, Ruoqi Chen, Tianqi Cao, Yuqiao Chai, Yonglin He, Wei Ji, Rui Li, Jitao Chen, Junhui Ji, Wei Rao, Mianqi Xue

Abstract: High-capacity electrochemical energy storage systems are more urgently needed than ever before with the rapid development of electric vehicles and the smart grid. The most efficient way to increase capacity is to develop electrode materials with low molecular weights. The low-cost metal halides are theoretically ideal cathode materials due to their advantages of high capacity and redox potential. However, their cubic structure and large energy barrier for deionization impede their rechargeability. Here, the reversibility of potassium halides, lithium halides, sodium halides, and zinc halides is achieved through decreasing their dimensionality by the strong π–cation interactions between metal cations and reduced graphene oxide (rGO). Especially, the energy densities of KI-, KBr-, and KCl-based materials are 722.2, 635.0, and 739.4 Wh kg−1, respectively, which are higher than those of other cathode materials for potassium-ion batteries. In addition, the full-cell with 2D KI/rGO as cathode and graphite as anode demonstrates a lifespan of over 150 cycles with a considerable capacity retention of 57.5%. The metal halides-based electrode materials possess promising application prospects and are worthy of more in-depth researches.

DOI: 10.1002/smll.202205071

Improving the band alignment at PtSe2 grain boundaries with selective adsorption of TCNQ

Improving the band alignment at PtSe2 grain boundaries with selective adsorption of TCNQ

Nano Research 16, 3358-3363 (2023)

Yanhui Hou#, Ziqiang Xu#, Yan Shao, Linlu Wu, Zhongliu Liu, Genyu Hu, Wei Ji, Jingsi Qiao*, Xu Wu*, Hong-Jun Gao & Yeliang Wang*

Grain boundaries in two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors generally induce distorted band alignment and interfacial charge, which impair their electronic properties for device applications. Here, we report the improvement of band alignment at the grain boundaries of PtSe2, a 2D semiconductor, with selective adsorption of a presentative organic acceptor, tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ). TCNQ molecules show selective adsorption at the PtSe2 grain boundary with strong interfacial charge. The adsorption of TCNQ distinctly improves the band alignment at the PtSe2 grain boundaries. With the charge transfer between the grain boundary and TCNQ, the local charge is inhibited, and the band bending at the grain boundary is suppressed, as revealed by the scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S) results. Our finding provides an effective method for the advancement of the band alignment at the grain boundary by functional molecules, improving the electronic properties of 2D semiconductors for their future applications.


季威 教授Ji, Wei (Prof.)

季威 教授
Ji, Wei (Prof.)

电  话:+86-10-62515597
传  真:+86-10-62515597

1998年9月-2003年7月 北京科技大学 材料物理系 学士
2003年9月-2008年1月 中国科学院物理研究所 博士

2006年7月-2008年1月 加拿大麦吉尔大学 访问学者
2008年1月-2010年8月 加拿大麦吉尔大学 博士后
2010年9月-2014年7月 中国人民大学物理系 副教授
2014年8月-今 中国人民大学物理系 教授、三级教授(2018)、二级教授(2023)



  • 胡智鑫 博士 (2015),天津大学副教授,院长助理,曾为多伦多大学博士后
  • 贾   茜 博士 (2016),教育部学科评估中心干部;
  • 孔祥华 博士 (2016),深圳大学助理教授,曾为麦吉尔大学博士后
  • 王晨光 博士 (2017),外交部非洲司干部;
  • 乔婧思 博士 (2018),北京理工大学教授,曾为新加坡国立大学博士后;
  • 杨   凤 博士 (2020),四川省公务员;
  • 潘宇浩 博士 (2020),中国XX集团高级工程师;
  • 王   聪 博士 (2020),中国人民大学副研究员,曾为该校博士后
  • 周谐宇 博士 (2021),  北京龙讯旷腾科技有限公司研究员
  • 周霖蔚 博士 (2022),  深圳大学博士后
  • 郭的坪 博士(2024),四川师范大学讲师
  • 王侣锦 博士(2024),云南师范大学讲师


(联合)博士后3人:成海霞 博士(中国钢研科技集团);雷宝 博士(浙江师范大学)、刘南舒 博士(西南大学)

Selected Publications (代表性年度论文)
Ferroelectricity in untwisted heterobilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
Lukas ROGÉE#, Lvjin WANG#,…, Manish CHHOWALLA*, Wei JI*, and Shu Ping LAU*
Science 376(6596) pp.973-978 (2022)

Van der Waals epitaxial growth of air-stable CrSe2 nanosheets with thickness-tunable magnetic order
Bo Li#, Zhong Wang#, Cong Wang#, Peng Chen#, Xidong Duan*, Wei Ji*, Xiangfeng Duan*, et al. 
Nature Materials 20, 818-825 (2021) 

Universal mechanical exfoliation of large-area 2D crystals
Yuan Huang, Yu-Hao Pan, Rong Yang … Peter Sutter*, Wei Ji*, Xing-Jiang Zhou* and Hong-Jun Gao*
Nature Communications  11, 2453 (2020)

Stacking tunable interlayer magnetism in bilayer CrI3
Peiheng Jiang, Cong Wang … Zhicheng Zhong* and Wei Ji*
Phys. Rev. B  99, 144401 (2019)
PRB Editors’ Suggestion

Few-layer Tellurium: one-dimensional-like layered elementary semiconductor with striking physical properties
Jingsi Qiao, Yuhao Pan, Feng Yang, Cong Wang, Yang Chai and Wei Ji*
Sci. Bull.  63(3), 159-168 (2018)

Ultrahigh mobility and efficient charge injection in monolayer organic thin-film transistors on boron nitride
Daowei He, Jingsi Qiao … Yi Shi*, Wei Ji* and Xinran Wang*
Science Advances  3, e1701186 (2017)

Science Advances:目前最高性能的单层有机薄膜晶体管

Probing Carrier Transport and Structure-property Relationship of Highly Ordered Organic Semiconductors at Two-dimensional Limit
Yuhan Zhang, Jingsi Qiao … Yi Shi*, Wei Ji*, Jianbin Xu*, Xinran Wang*
Physical Review Letters 116, 016602 (2016)
《APS Physics》 Viewpoint: Precise Layering of Organic Semiconductors
《Nature Reviews Materials》 Organic electronics: Packing tips for charge transport

Exploring atomic defects in molybdenum disulphide monolayers
Jinhua Hong, Zhixin Hu, … Chuanhong Jin*, Wei Ji*, Jun Yuan*, Ze Zhang
Nature Communications 6, 6293(2015)
Uncovering the personality of wonder ultrathin materials

High-mobility transport anisotropy and linear dichroism in few-layer black phosphorus
Jingsi Qiao, Xianghua Kong, Zhi-Xin Hu, Feng Yang, Wei Ji*
Nature Communications 5, 4475 (2014) arXiv:1401.5045

Real-Space Identification of Intermolecular Bonding with Atomic Force Microscopy
Jun Zhang, Pengcheng Chen, … Wei Ji*, Zhihai Cheng*, Xiaohui Qiu*
Science 342 (6158) , 611-614 (2013)
C&EN: Hydrogen Bonds Visualized; 季威副教授在《科学》杂志发表论文

One-Step Exfoliation Method for Plasmonic Activation of Large-Area 2D Crystals

One-Step Exfoliation Method for Plasmonic Activation of Large-Area 2D Crystals

Advanced Science 2022, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202204247

Qiang Fu#, Jia-Qi Dai#, Xin-Yu Huang#, Yun-Yun Dai, Yu-Hao Pan, Long-Long Yang, Zhen-Yu Sun, Tai-Min Miao, Meng-Fan Zhou, Lin Zhao, Wei-Jie Zhao, Xu Han, Jun-Peng Lu, Hong-Jun Gao, Xing-Jiang Zhou, Ye-Liang Wang*, Zhen-Hua Ni*, Wei Ji*, Yuan Huang*

Advanced exfoliation techniques are crucial for exploring the intrinsic properties and applications of 2D materials. Though the recently discovered Au-enhanced exfoliation technique provides an effective strategy for the preparation of large-scale 2D crystals, the high cost of gold hinders this method from being widely adopted in industrial applications. In addition, direct Au contact could significantly quench photoluminescence (PL) emission in 2D semiconductors. It is therefore crucial to find alternative metals that can replace gold to achieve efficient exfoliation of 2D materials. Here, the authors present a one-step Ag-assisted method that can efficiently exfoliate many large-area 2D monolayers, where the yield ratio is comparable to Au-enhanced exfoliation method. Differing from Au film, however, the surface roughness of as-prepared Ag films on SiO2/Si substrate is much higher, which facilitates the generation of surface plasmons resulting from the nanostructures formed on the rough Ag surface. More interestingly, the strong coupling between 2D semiconductor crystals (e.g., MoS2, MoSe2) and Ag film leads to a unique PL enhancement that has not been observed in other mechanical exfoliation techniques, which can be mainly attributed to enhanced light-matter interaction as a result of extended propagation of surface plasmonic polariton (SPP). This work provides a lower-cost and universal Ag-assisted exfoliation method, while at the same time offering enhanced SPP-matter interactions. DOI:10.1002/advs.202204247

Two-dimensional Dirac-line semimetals resistant to strong spin–orbit coupling

Two-dimensional Dirac-line semimetals resistant to strong spin–orbit coupling

Science Bulletin 67, 1954-1957 (2022)

Deping Guo#, Pengjie Guo#, Shijing Tan, Min Feng, Limin Cao, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Kai Liu*, Zhong-Yi Lu, Wei Ji*


Dirac nodal-line semimetals (DNLSMs) host novel quasiparticle excitations and intriguing transport properties, which are, however, easily perturbed under strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC), especially in low-dimensions. Two-dimensional (2D) layers have numerous advantages and are under continuous development; however, 2D-DNLSMs resistant to SOC are yet to be discovered. Here, we report the C_2v×Z_2^T little co-group, a non-symmorphic symmetry we found in 2D, guarantees a robust 2D-DNLSM against SOC, which could be imposed in three-atomic-layer (3-AL) Bismuth (the brick phase, a novel Bi allotrope) and other layered materials. Intriguingly, (4n+2) valence electrons fill the electronic bands in 3-AL Bi, such that the nodal line passes the Fermi level where other low-energy states are gapped, allowing feasible observation of DNLSM-induced phenomena without interference from other bands in future transport measurements. Thus, our study demonstrates an unprecedented category of layered materials, allowing for the exploration of nearly isolated DNL states in 2D.

DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2022.09.008