Zichen Huang#, Hui Chen#,*, Zhongqin Zhang#, Hao Zhang#, Zhen Zhao, Ruwen Wang, Haitao Yang, Wei Ji*, Ziqiang Wang, Hong-Jun Gao*

The newly-discovered chromium-based kagome metal CsCr3Sb5 has garnered significant interest due to its strong electron correlations, intertwined orders and potential for unconventional superconductivity under high pressure. However, the nature of superconducting and magnetic interactions during the transition from the parent compound CsV3Sb5 to CsCr3Sb5 remains elusive. Here, we report the discovery of spatially anisotropic Kondo resonance which intertwines with the superconducting gap, facilitated by the introduction of magnetic Cr impurities into the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5. In addition to the gradual suppression of long-ranged charge-density-wave orders, dilute Cr dopants induce local magnetic moments, giving rise to the emergence of Kondo resonances. In addition, the Kondo resonance forms spatially anisotropic ripple-like structures around the Cr dopants, breaking all local mirror symmetries. This anisotropy arises from the antiferromagnetic coupling between itinerant electrons and the Cr-induced spin-up electrons. Remarkably, as the Kondo screening develops, the coherence peak and depth of superconducting gap with finite zero-energy conductance significantly enhances. It indicates that non-superconducting pairs at the Fermi surface in the parent compound participate in the Kondo effect, effectively screening the magnetic moments of Cr dopants while simultaneously enhancing the superfluid density. Our findings pave a unique pathway for exploring the interplay between superconductivity and local magnetic moments in kagome systems.