Nonvolatile Electric Control of Rashba Spin Splitting in Sb/In2Se3 Heterostructure

Aug 23, 2024

Haixia Cheng, Xu Sun, Jun Zhou*, Shijie Wang, Hang Su*, and Wei Ji*

Ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors (FRS) are highly demanded for their potential capability for nonvolatile electric control of electron spins. An ideal FRS is characterized by a combination of room temperature ferroelectricity and a strong Rashba effect, which has, however, been rarely reported. Herein, we designed a room-temperature FRS by vertically stacking a Sb monolayer on a room-temperature ferroelectric In2Se3 monolayer. Our first-principles calculations reveal that the Sb/In2Se3 heterostructure exhibits a clean Rashba splitting band near the Fermi level and a strong Rashba effect coupled to the ferroelectric order. Switching the electric polarization direction enhances the Rashba effect, and the flipping is feasible with a low energy barrier of 22 meV. This Rashba–ferroelectricity coupling effect is robust against changes of the heterostructure interfacial distance and external electric fields. Such a nonvolatile electrically tunable Rashba effect at room temperature enables potential applications in next-generation data storage and logic devices operated under small electrical currents.