Deping Guo#, Canbo Zong#, Cong Wang, Weihan Zhang, and Wei Ji*

Altermagnetism has recently attracted significant interest in three- and two-dimensional materials, yet its realization in quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) materials remains largely unexplored due to stringent symmetry constraints. Here, we systematically investigated the emergence of altermagnetism in 30 Q1D monolayer prototypes, self-assembled from intra-chain anti-ferrimagnetically coupled XYn single-atomic magnetic chains, using symmetry analysis and high-throughput density functional theory calculations. Symmetry analysis identifies four structural prototypes capable of hosting altermagnetism, which expand to 192 monolayers upon materialization. Our calculations further reveal eight dynamically stable Q1D altermagnets, all belonging the AA-stacked intra-chain AFM coupled β-XY₃ prototype, exhibiting d-wave-like spin splitting. Furthermore, we demonstrate the tunability of altermagnetic properties by varying inter-chain spacing and applying external electric fields. By optimizing these parameters, altermagnetism can be significantly enhanced, with spin splitting reaching several hundred meV in CoTe3, or substantially suppressed, leading to a transition to a nodal-line semiconducting state in CrCl3. These findings establish a diverse and highly tunable family of Q1D altermagnetic candidate materials.