Part 3: How Do You Start Writing A Paper? | Writing Tips

Part 3: How Do You Start Writing A Paper? | Writing Tips

How Do You Start Writing A Paper?

I. Tips from ACS Editors

ACS editors give advice on how they typically start writing up their research, including drafting and outlines.

Read the accompanying blog post: Overcoming the biggest hurdle: how to start writing your paper





II. Create an Outline

In this video, ASC editors why to create an outline and how to get the most out this process.

Read the accompanying blog post: Starting from the beginning: creating an outline





III. Create the Figures

ACS editors talk through the importance of data and displaying of your findings to tell the story of your research.

Read the accompanying blog post: Figuring out the figures: what’s the best way to present your research?




点击查看该博客——弄清楚图片的意义: 什么才是展示你的研究结果的最佳方式?

>Part 1 :Communicating Your Research To The Public

>Part 2: How To Write A Scientific Article?

Part 2: How To Write A Scientific Article | Writing Tips

Part 2: How To Write A Scientific Article | Writing Tips

How To Write A Scientific Article

I. Find the Story

In this video, ACS editors talk about how to use storytelling to write a compelling paper for your audience.

Read the accompanying blog post: Finding your scientific story: what do your results actually say?





II. When Should you Start Writing your Research Article?

This video asks ACS editors when it is best to start writing your about your research.

Read the accompanying blog post: Starting your paper: when should you start writing?




点击查看该博客——开始写你的文章: 什么时候开始?

>Part 1: Communicating Your Research To The Public

>Part 3: How Do You Start Writing A Paper?

Part 1 :Communicating Your Research To The Public | Writing Tips

Part 1 :Communicating Your Research To The Public | Writing Tips

Communicating Your Research To The Public

I. What to Say and How to Say it?

In this video, ACS editors give tips and advice on how you should communicate your research to the public.

Read the accompanying blog post: Using words effectively: helping your audience understand chemistry research




II. Special Considerations (Because it’s science!)

This video looks at how best to present your research to the public that makes them comfortable and able to understand you key messages.

Read the accompanying blog post: Presenting for your audience: how do you make an audience comfortable?




III. What the Best Medium?

ACS editors discuss their experiences and tactics used to captivate an audience and the tools they use to increase their reach.

Read the accompanying blog post: Breaking the barrier: what makes an engaging presentation?




>Part 2: How To Write A Scientific Article?

>Part 3: How Do You Start Writing A Paper?