Figuring out the Figures: What’s the Best Way to Present Your Research?

Figuring out the Figures: What’s the Best Way to Present Your Research?

I. 英文原版

Professor Paul S. Weiss, UC Presidential Chair, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and of Materials Science and Engineering and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Nano, says he prepares a figure set before the data is even available. Doing this can help chemists map out what’s missing from your research. It also lays the work out into a sort of storyboard.

Professor Phil S Baran, Darlene Shiley Chair in Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute and Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) equates writing a paper to writing a children’s novel. “It starts with the illustrations,” Baran says, “it’s what we do. We work on the pictures first.” Baran goes on to explain that most people don’t have time to go through an entire research paper, so the figures should be able to tell much of the story.

Another approach is to storyboard all of your data. Professor Peter License, of University of Nottingham and Associate Editor of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, says once you have all the figures in front of you, you can see if they prove that the research answered the initial question.

II. 中文版

加州大学校长主席,化学和生物化学以及材料科学与工程杰出教授,ACS Nano主编Paul S. Weiss教授说,他在数据可用之前就准备了一个数字集。这样做可以帮助化学家找出您的研究中缺少的内容。它还将工作布置成一种故事板。

斯克里普斯研究所Darlene Shiley化学主席兼《美国化学学会杂志》(JACS)副主编Phil S Baran教授将撰写论文等同于撰写儿童小说。“它从插图开始,”巴兰说,“这就是我们所做的。我们先处理图片。巴兰继续解释说,大多数人没有时间浏览整篇研究论文,所以这些数字应该能够讲述大部分故事。

另一种方法是对所有数据进行情节提要。诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)教授、ACS可持续化学与工程(ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering)副主编彼得·拉克(Peter License)说,一旦你把所有的数字都摆在你面前,你就可以看看它们是否证明了这项研究回答了最初的问题。

Figuring out the Figures: What’s the Best Way to Present Your Research?

Starting from the Beginning: Creating an Outline

I. 英文原版

An easy way to start planning your paper is a simple outline. It’s a method that allows you to pool all of your data and organize it. Think of it as the framework to write your paper.

Professor Brent Gunnoe, Ph.D., Commonwealth Professor of Chemistry at the University of Virginia and Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis says his outlines start even before the paper is ready to write. Outlines take time to create from initial ideas. They require revisions until you have the ideal framework to build on. These revisions also help pinpoint any experiments that still need to be performed.

Professor Joan F. Brennecke, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data says outlines are mandatory. They need to be fully detailed and organized in a hierarchy. This level of detail makes writing the paper a simple task of filling in the sentences to link the points.

Professor Prashant Kamat, Ph.D., John A. Zahm Professor of Science at the Unviersity of Notre Dame and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Energy Letters likens the outline to a blueprint. You can’t build a house without one. You need to bring the data together to see how and where everything fits, and if you need more data.

Start outlining early, with as much detail as possible. This will help you see where and if you need to perform more experiments.

II. 中文版


弗吉尼亚大学英联邦化学教授、ACS Catalysis副主编Brent Gunnoe博士说,他的大纲甚至在论文准备写作之前就开始了。大纲需要时间从最初的想法中创建。它们需要修订,直到您拥有理想的框架来构建。这些修订还有助于确定仍需要执行的任何实验。

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学工程教授、《化学与工程数据杂志》主编Joan F. Brennecke教授说,大纲是强制性的。它们需要完全详细并在层次结构中组织。这种详细程度使得撰写论文成为一项简单的任务,即填写句子以链接要点。

Prashant Kamat教授,博士,John A. Zahm圣母大学科学教授和ACS Energy Letters主编将大纲比作蓝图。没有房子就无法建造房屋。您需要将数据汇集在一起,以了解所有内容如何以及在哪里适合,以及是否需要更多数据。


Figuring out the Figures: What’s the Best Way to Present Your Research?

Overcoming the Biggest Hurdle: How to Start Writing Your Paper

I. 英文原版

Starting any kind of paper is difficult, but scientific papers come with unique challenges.

Professor Susannah Scott, Ph.D., at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Associate editor of ACS Catalysis says it’s simple. “Usually I just start writing,” she says, “I think its important to get stuff down.” Scott says to place emphasis primarily on the content and then organize it later. Simply writing the title and abstract and return to revise them as needed. This helps you condense your message which will allow you to frame the message you want to convey. The results and interpretation can be added after this is done.

Professor Chad Mirkin, Ph.D., Director of the International Institute for Nanotechology and the George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University, and Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society says to start with the most important conclusions you can draw from your research. “Don’t write an introduction that sets up the reader for disappointment,” Mirkin adds, “make sure the science backs up what you’re stating.” Once you have that, the difficult part is over. The intro tells the reader what problem is being solved, the data presents the argument, and all that is left is the conclusion.

Olaf G. Weist, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame breaks researchers into two groups—those that think graphically, and those that focus on words. For the graphic thinkers, Weist recommends that they start with the figures. These figures will dictate what to highlight in your paper. Word-oriented researchers should make flash cards with topics to organize. This way they can add and eliminate topics.

Professor Johnathan V. Sweedler, Ph.D., James R. Eiszner Family Endowed Chair in Chemistry and Director, School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, and Editor-in-Chief of Analytical Chemistry reinforces that writing takes practice.

Getting feedback and improving is key to proficiency.

Simply beginning to write is the first step to getting started. From there, it only gets easier. If you’re unable to start with words, start with figures and use those to help you find your words.

II. 中文版


加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的Susannah Scott教授和ACS Catalysis的副主编说这很简单。“通常我只是开始写作,”她说,“我认为把东西写下来很重要。斯科特说,首先要强调内容,然后再组织。只需写下标题和摘要,然后根据需要返回进行修改。这有助于您压缩信息,从而使您能够构建要传达的信息。完成此操作后,可以添加结果和解释。

国际纳米技术研究所所长、西北大学乔治·B·拉斯曼化学教授、《美国化学学会杂志》副主编Chad Mirkin教授博士说,从研究中可以得出的最重要的结论开始。“不要写一个让读者失望的介绍,”米尔金补充道,“确保科学支持你所说的。一旦你有了它,困难的部分就结束了。介绍告诉读者正在解决什么问题,数据提出论点,剩下的就是结论。
圣母大学化学和生物化学教授Olaf G. Weist博士将研究人员分为两组 – 一组以图形方式思考,另一组专注于文字。对于图形思想家,Weist建议他们从数字开始。这些数字将决定在您的论文中突出显示的内容。以文字为导向的研究人员应该制作带有组织主题的抽认卡。这样,他们可以添加和消除主题。

Johnathan V. Sweedler教授博士,James R. Eiszner家族化学主席,伊利诺伊大学化学科学学院院长,分析化学主编,强调写作需要实践。


Figuring out the Figures: What’s the Best Way to Present Your Research?

Starting Your Paper: When Should You Start Writing?

I. 英文原版

Writing your research paper is as important as the research itself. It’s what people see. It can also help outline subsequent avenues to explore before you’ve finished.

Stuart Rowan, Ph.D., Barry L MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering Innovation and Enterprise at the University of Chicago and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Macro Letters puts it best by saying don’t wait until the research is completed. As you write the story, he says, more experiments may need to be highlighted. You should start once you begin to see where the story is, even though it isn’t complete because a draft will help guide you, he says.

Oleg V. Prezhdo, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry at the University of Southern California and Senior Editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters says to start writing in the middle of the research process. Scientists should ideally have an outline in mind before even starting their research, he says.

A suggestion Prashant Kamat, Ph.D., John A. Zahm Professor of Science at the Unviersity of Notre Dame and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Energy Letters, gives his students is to write one page a day. It could be about what you did or about something you read a paper about, summarized in a single page. This way all your information is already condensed and ready to be formed into a paper. Regular practice and discipline are essential to writing a great research paper, he says.

II. 中文版


芝加哥大学分子工程创新和企业Barry L MacLean教授兼ACS Macro Letters主编Stuart Rowan博士说得最好不要等到研究完成。他说,当你写这个故事时,可能需要强调更多的实验。他说,一旦你开始看到故事在哪里,你就应该开始,即使它不完整,因为草稿会帮助指导你。

南加州大学化学教授、《物理化学快报》高级编辑Oleg V. Prezhdo博士说,在研究过程中开始写作。他说,理想情况下,科学家在开始研究之前就应该有一个大纲。

圣母大学约翰·A·扎姆(John A. Zahm)科学教授、ACS Energy Letters主编Prashant Kamat博士给他的学生的建议是每天写一页。它可以是关于你做了什么,或者关于你读过一篇论文的东西,总结在一个页面中。这样,您的所有信息都已经浓缩并准备好形成论文。他说,定期的练习和纪律对于撰写一篇伟大的研究论文至关重要。

Figuring out the Figures: What’s the Best Way to Present Your Research?

Finding Your Scientific Story: What Do Your Results Actually Say?

I. 英文原版

A research paper is rarely easy to write. Scientists are required to assemble facts, figures, details, and data into a compelling paper. But how do we make how paper effective?

Professor George Schatz, Ph.D., Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University and Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C Letters says before writing anything down, have a vision of what the story is to make the writing process the most efficient. You should write a paper in terms of telling a story, not a display of your results.

It’s important that people read and find papers that inspire them, adds Professor Shana Kelley, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biochemistry, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, and Associate Editor of ACS Sensors. The best practice is to use these to map out your own story for your research.

Professor Chad Mirkin, Ph.D., Director of the International Institute for Nanotechology and the George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University, and Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society says when you simply start trying to write a paper and later figure out the significance of the work, it ends up being poorly focused and a poorly told story. Instead, Mirkin adds, start with the conclusion. What have you taught the world with your findings?

Commonwealth Professor of Chemistry at the University of Virginia and Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis, T. Brent Gunnoe, Ph.D., asks what are your most compelling advances and results? These are the building blocks to your scientific story, and you shouldn’t let these get buried in data and interpretation. Build an introduction around conveying these results to build excitement.

Professor Stuart Rowan, Ph.D., Barry L MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering Innovation and Enterprise at the University of Chicago and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Macro Letters advises that researchers spend time thinking about how to tell the story. More complex research makes it harder to get the story across.

Two things researchers need to focus on before writing are what is my reader getting from this? and what is the story I want to tell? These questions will aide in shaping the rest of the paper by placing the most important information in the spotlight.

II. 中文版


西北大学化学系教授George Schatz博士,Charles E.和Emma H. Morrison教授,《物理化学杂志A / B / CLetters》主编说,在写下任何东西之前,要有一个愿景,让写作过程变得最有效。你应该从讲故事的角度写一篇论文,而不是展示你的结果。

重要的是人们阅读并找到激发他们灵感的论文,多伦多大学化学,制药科学,生物化学和生物医学工程杰出教授Shana Kelley博士补充道,ACS Sensors的副主编。最佳做法是使用这些来绘制您自己的研究故事。

国际纳米技术研究所所长、西北大学乔治·B·拉斯曼化学教授、《美国化学学会杂志》副主编Chad Mirkin博士说,当你只是开始尝试写一篇论文,然后弄清楚这项工作的重要性时,它最终会变得重点不集中,故事讲得很差。相反,米尔金补充说,从结论开始。你的发现教会了世界什么?

弗吉尼亚大学英联邦化学教授和ACS Catalysis副主编T. Brent Gunnoe博士问你最引人注目的进展和结果是什么?这些是你科学故事的基石,你不应该让这些被埋没在数据和解释中。围绕传达这些结果进行介绍以建立兴奋感。

芝加哥大学Stuart Rowan教授,Barry L MacLean分子工程创新和企业教授和ACS Macro Letters主编建议研究人员花时间思考如何讲述这个故事。更复杂的研究使得故事更难被理解。
