Layer number regulated intra-layer magnetism

Layer number regulated intra-layer magnetism

Fig.1 Layer number regulated intra-layer magnetism. a-b: differential charge density between layers. Red represents the accumulation of charge in the interlayer region after the two layers are stacked on top of each other. c-d: Single layer CrTe2 zigzag antiferromagnetic ground state and easy magnetization axis direction. e-g: Spin reorientation transformation of CrTe2 monolayer.


Nature Communications

Spin mapping of intralayer antiferromagnetism and field-induced spin reorientation in monolayer CrTe2

Charge redistribution induced by interlayer interaction is relatively small at the vdW gap of a CrI3 bilayer in comparison with other bilayers like BP, Te, PtSe2, PtS2, and CrS2, suggesting a limited overlap of interlayer wave functions in the CrI3 bilayer. It is exceptional that such a small overlap could even appreciably affect the interlayer magnetism through direct exchange between two interlayer I atoms separated by 4.20 Å2

A question then arises of how do strongly overlapped interlayer wave functions affect interlayer magnetism and whether there are any generalized spin-exchange coupling mechanisms solely for such a noncovalent interaction. The interlayer differential charge density shows that the interlayer electron coupling of of CrX2(X = S, Se, Te) systems is significantly stronger than that of CrI3. It is expected that different interlayer magnetic coupling mechanisms exist in CrX2. The bulk phase of this kind of material shows ferromagnetism, and many studies speculate that the single layer should also be the ferromagnetic ground state. However, the theoretical prediction of the researchers found that the single layer of this kind of material is striped antiferromagnetic ground state. The in-plane magnetic orders of CrX2 mono and few layers are tunable between striped antiferromagnetic (sAFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) orders by manipulating charge transfer between Cr t2g and eg orbitals. Such charge transfer is realizable through interlayer coupling, direct charge doping, or substituting S with Cl atoms[1,2].

However, due to the fact that antiferromagnetic orders usually do not exhibit macroscopic magnetic moments, experimental detection is very difficult, and the antiferromagnetic ground state of CrX2(X=S,Se,Te) materials mentioned in the above theoretical prediction are still lacking of experimental evidence in the two-dimensional limit. By combining spin polarised scanning tunnelling microscopy and first-principles calculations, we investigate the magnetism of vdW ML CrTe2, which has been successfully grown through molecular-beam epitaxy. We observe a stable antiferromagnetic (AFM) order at the atomic scale in the ML crystal, whose bulk is ferromagnetic, and correlate its imaged zigzag spin texture with the atomic lattice structure. confirming the theoretical prediction of the researchers (FIG. 1 c). Previous studies of two-dimensional magnetic materials usually assumed that the material’s easy magnetization axis was along the conventional lattice base vector or out of plane direction. The researchers calculated that the magnetic moment direction of the CrTe2 single layer was in the y-z plane at an Angle of 70 degrees from the z direction (FIG. 1 d), resulting in a novel spin reorientation transition mode under magnetic field (FIG. 1 e-g). The real space intrinsic antiferromagnetic order discovered and confirmed in this study, the magnetic order transformation in the single-layer limit, and the spin reorientation under external magnetic fields have not been previously reported before[3].


1. C. Wang, X. Zhou, Y. Pan, J. Qiao, X. Kong, C.-C. Kaun, and W. Ji, Layer and Doping Tunable Ferromagnetic Order in Two-Dimensional CrS2 Layers, Phys. Rev. B 97, 245409 (2018).

2. Wang, C. et al. Bethe-Slater-curve-like behavior and interlayer spin-exchange coupling mechanisms in two-dimensional magnetic bilayers. Phys. Rev. B 102, 020402 (2020).

3. Xian, J.-J. et al. Spin mapping of intralayer antiferromagnetism and field-induced spin reorientation in monolayer CrTe2. Nature Communications 13, 257 (2022)

Stacking tunable interlayer magnetism in bilayer CrI3

Stacking tunable interlayer magnetism in bilayer CrI3

Fig.1 Transition pathways between the two phases in FM and AFM configurations.


Physical review B

Stacking tunable interlayer magnetism in bilayer CrI3

In early 2017, the first observations of long-range magnetic order in pristine 2D crystals were reported in Cr2Ge2Te6 and CrI3, leading the research upsurge of two-dimensional intrinsic magnetism and its regulation. The interlayer antiferromagnetic (AFM) groundstate of bilayer CrI3 has been reported in several papers [Nature 546, 270 (2017); Science 360, 1214 (2018); Science 360, 1218 (2018)]. However, the density functional theory calculations of the low-temperature phase structure found that the low-temperature bilayer CrI3 has a stable interlayer ferromagnetic groundsate, which is not consistent with experiments. Therefore, one of the focuses of the study of magnetic correlation of bilayer CrI3 is to determine its true material structure and interlayer coupling mechanism.

Bulk CrI3 exhibits a vdW structure and possesses a rhombohedral structure with the R3 space group symmetry at low temperature (the LT phase). When temperature increases to 210–220 K, it undergoes a structural phase transition to a monoclinic lattice with the C2/m space group symmetry (the HT phase) It is generally believed that the experimental low temperature measurement is a low temperature stable structure. However, the CrI3 bilayer prepared at room temperature may not undergo structural transformation during the rapid cooling process and maintain the high-temperature phase structure. The researchers speculate that different stacking in the CrI3 system may correspond to different interlayer magnetic ground states. Based on the above prediction, we found that the interlayer AFM coupling results from a different stacking order with the C2/m space group symmetry, rather than the graphene-like one with R3 as previously believed[2].

This work solves the problem of the source of the AFM coupling between the two layers of CrI3 in a series of recent experiments and proposes a magnetic coupling mechanism in the weak non-covalent coupling limit. In the past, it was generally assumed that the van der Waals (vdW) interaction dominated the interlayer interaction of two-dimensional materials, and the effect of interlayer coupling on magnetic regulation was significantly underestimated. This work realizes from a new perspective that after the p orbitals of I are polarized by Cr into pxy and pz orbitals with opposite magnetization directions, different interlayer stacking orders leads to different direct exchange between p orbitals of interlayer I atoms, which ultimately determines the magnetic coupling between layers.

This work has been cited positively by Professor Cheung Xiang and Professor Novoselov. The theoretical predictions of this work have been verified and cited by many different experimental groups published in Nature, Science, Nature sub-journals and PRL. Further, in collaboration with experimental collaborators, the theoretical image of orbital splitting of I-pxy and pz was verified by combining scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations[3].


1. Liu, N. S., Cong, W. & Wei, J. Recent research advances in two-dimensional magnetic materials. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 71 (2022).

2. Jiang, P. H. et al. Stacking tunable interlayer magnetism in bilayer CrI3. Phys. Rev. B 99, 9 (2019).

3. Li, P. et al. Single-layer CrI3 grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Science Bulletin (2020).




Layer sliding and twisting induced electronic transitions in correlated magnetic 1T-NbSe2 bilayers

Mott and CT insulators are representative materials, like 1T-phases of TaS2, TaSe2 and NbSe2. In the strong-correlation limit of electron correlated systems, on-site Coulomb interactions split a half-filled band into two sub-bands, namely the lower (LHB) and upper Hubbard bands (UHB), forming a Mott or a CT insulator[13]. The governing coupling mechanism lies in the interlayer electronic hybridization of interfacial Se pz orbitals within a localized region of the David star, rather than previously supposed metal atoms dz2 orbitals. Subtle differences in interlayer hybridization vary the energy levels of the four Hubbard bands in the 1T-NbSe2 bilayer. Three electronic and two magnetic transitions among four insulating states were observed upon interlayer sliding or twisting, while three of the four insulating states are correlated ones. All these striking results highlight the importance of interlayer coupling in tunning correlated electronic states in NbSe2 bilayers.

Mirror twin boundaries (MTBs)[14,15] was demonstrate to be another strategy to introduce additional exotic electronic states in chalcogen-deficient 1H-MoS2[16], -MoSe2[14], and – MoTe2[17]monolayers. In some lattices with specific symmetries, such as kagome lattice, the intrinsic flat band leads to a high density of electron states. A TMD layer consisting of ordered and uniformly sized MTB triangles, namely an MTB-triangle lattice, could be a TMD phase exhibiting a well-defined lattice symmetry. Coloring-triangular (CT) lattice[18] in a MoTe2 (CT-MoTe2) monolayer comprise of uniform-sized and orderly arranged MTB triangles and normal MoTe2 domains embedded among MTBs. Dirac-like and flat electronic bands inherently existing in the CT lattice are identified by two broad and two prominent peaks. Further more, the CT-MoTe2 monolayer shows energy-dependent electronic Janus lattices, including the original atomic-lattice and an electronic Te pseudo-sublattice.


1. Zhang H, et al. Tailored Ising superconductivity in intercalated bulk NbSe2. Nature Physics 18, 1425-1430 (2022).

2. Cao Y, et al. Unconventional superconductivity in magic-angle graphene superlattices. Nature 556, 43-50 (2018)

3. Klanjšek M, et al. A high-temperature quantum spin liquid with polaron spins. Nature Physics 13, 1130-1134 (2017)

4. Law KT, Lee PA. 1T-TaS2 as a quantum spin liquid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 6996-7000 (2017)

5. Chen Y, et al. Strong correlations and orbital texture in single-layer 1T-TaSe2. Nature Physics 16, 218-224 (2020)

6. Liu M, et al. Monolayer 1T-NbSe2 as a 2D-correlated magnetic insulator. Science Advances 7, eabi6339 (2021)

7. Wang YD, et al. Band insulator to Mott insulator transition in 1T-TaS2. Nature Communications 11, 4215 (2020)

8. Grasset R, et al. Pressure-induced collapse of the charge density wave and Higgs mode visibility in 2H− TaS2. Physical Review Letters 122, 127001 (2019)

9. Lian C-S, Si C, Duan W. Unveiling Charge-Density Wave, Superconductivity, and Their Competitive Nature in Two-Dimensional NbSe2. Nano Letters 18, 2924-2929 (2018)

10. Li H, et al. Imaging two-dimensional generalized Wigner crystals. Nature 597, 650-654 (2021)

11. Regan EC, et al. Mott and generalized Wigner crystal states in WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattices. Nature 579, 359-363 (2020)

12. Zhou Y, et al. Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature 595, 48-52 (2021)

13. Zaanen J, Sawatzky GA, Allen JW. Band gaps and electronic structure of transition-metal compounds. Physical Review Letters 55, 418-421 (1985)

14. Liu H, et al. Dense Network of One-Dimensional Midgap Metallic Modes in Monolayer MoSe2 and Their Spatial Undulations. Physical Review Letters 113, 066105 (2014)

15. Hong J, et al. Inversion Domain Boundary Induced Stacking and Bandstructure Diversity in Bilayer MoSe2. Nano Letters 17, 6653-6660 (2017)

16. Zhou W, et al. Intrinsic Structural Defects in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide. Nano Letters 13, 2615-2622 (2013)

17. Diaz HC, Ma Y, Chaghi R, Batzill M. High density of (pseudo) periodic twin-grain boundaries in molecular beam epitaxy-grown van der Waals heterostructure: MoTe2/MoS2. Applied Physics Letters 108, 191606 (2016)

18. Zhang S, et al. Kagome bands disguised in a coloring-triangle lattice. Physical Review B 99, 100404 (2019)



Fig.1 Intercube Te-Te quasibonds and two interweaved charge orders in the ATS superatomic crystal


Physical review X

Interweaving Polar Charge Orders in a Layered Metallic Super-atomic Crysta

A superatom is any cluster of atoms that collectively exhibits some properties of single atoms. When arranged into crystals through the noncovalent bonds, they can be readily assembled into nanostructures, because the reduced cohesive energy of the noncovalent bonds makes it easier to cleave the material. It is not yet clear whether such weakened energetic interaction is accompanied by a suppressed electronic interaction among the superatoms. To that end, we explore exotic electronic structures on the surface of one superatomic crystal and find strong electron-electron interactions do occur. We also find that two exotic charge orders emerge.

Recently, researchers synthesized a cubic superatom, Au6Te12Se8 (ATS), and assembled it into a 3D crystal with metallicity and superconductivity.[9] In our experiments, we observe two charge orders on the ATS surface. One is a charge density wave that forms across repeating columns of ATS cubes. The other is a polar metallic state that arises between the columns. The polar metallic states are of particular interest, suggesting the ATS surface is an antipolar metal—a type of exotic metal where metallicity and orderly, antiparallel-oriented electric dipoles coexist. The discovery of this antipoloar metal goes one step further toward the realization of multifunctional devices, which could, in principle, perform simultaneous electrical, magnetic, and optical functions. However, we have not yet examined ATS’s ferroelectricity, which is needed for electrical control of its electrical polarization.

This ATS crystal is, to the best of our knowledge, the first antipolar metal ever found and possesses the first polar metallic state hosted in superatomic units bound by noncovalent interactions. Thus, the strong electron-electron interactions, found in the 2D superatomic layers, open a category of quantum materials that contains versatile layered nanostructures exhibiting precisely tailorable electronic structures.


1. Z. Luo, A.W. Castleman, Special and General Superatoms, Accounts of Chemical Research 47 (2014) 2931-2940

2. Superatoms: Electronic and Geometric Effects on Reactivity, (2017)

3. E.A. Doud, A. Voevodin, T.J. Hochuli, A.M. Champsaur, C. Nuckolls, X. Roy, Superatoms in materials science, Nature Reviews Materials 5 (2020) 371-387

4. J. Puru, S. Qiang, Super Atomic Clusters: Design Rules and Potential for Building Blocks of Materials, Chemical Reviews 118 (2018) acs.chemrev.7b00524-

5. Z. Liu, X. Wang, J. Cai, H. Zhu, Room-Temperature Ordered Spin Structures in Cluster-Assembled Single V@Si12 Sheets, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014)

6. E. Meirzadeh, A.M. Evans, M. Rezaee, M. Milich, C.J. Dionne, T.P. Darlington, S.T. Bao, A.K. Bartholomew, T. Handa, D.J. Rizzo, R.A. Wiscons, M. Reza, A. Zangiabadi, N. Fardian-Melamed, A.C. Crowther, P.J. Schuck, D.N. Basov, X. Zhu, A. Giri, P.E. Hopkins, P. Kim, M.L. Steigerwald, J. Yang, C. Nuckolls, X. Roy, A few-layer covalent network of fullerenes, Nature 613 (2023) 71-76

7. Evan, S., O’Brien, M., Tuan, Trin, Rose, L., Kann, Jia, Single-crystal-to-single-crystal intercalation of a low-bandgap superatomic crystal, Nature Chemistry (2017)

8. H. Yang, W. Yu, H. Huang, L. Gell, L. Lehtovaara, S. Malola, H. Hkkinen, N. Zheng, All-thiol-stabilized Ag44 and Au12Ag32 nanoparticles with single-crystal structures, Nature Publishing Group (2013)

9. Guo, J.G., Chen, X., Jia, X.Y. et al. Quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity from dimerization of atomically ordered AuTe2Se4/3 cubes. Nat Commun 8, 871 (2017)

Phase Patterning in 2D Materials

Phase Patterning in 2D Materials

Fig.1 a) The scheme of 2D ReS2 phase transition under STEM. a,b and a + b are the three low index directions of ReS2. e– beam exposure creates a new T phase embedded in the pristine T′ phase. b–d) Atomic structures and electronic structures of T’’ (tetramerization in two directions) phase, T’ (dimerization in one direction) phase, and T (no dimerization) phase from DFT calculation, respectively.

Advanced science

Sub-Nanometer Electron Beam Phase Patterning in 2D Materials

Fig.2 STEM HAADF images of atomic-scale phase transition from pristine T’’ phase into 1D T’ or T phases, via 1D e– beam exposure direction along a, b and a+b crystal directions (scheme on the right), respectively. False color is applied to STEM images. e– beam scanning areas are marked by green and red boxes. Scale bars =1 nm.

Fig.3 c) Energy-Surface Area (E-S) relations of T, T’ and T’’ phase under the uniaxial strain along a crystal direction. Different phases are shown by different symbols: T phase, green squares; T’ phase, orange dots; T’’ phase, blue triangles. d) E-S relations of T, T’, and T’’ phase under biaxial strain. Tangent lines are presented by the gray dotted lines.

Our DFT calculations reveal the energy-surface (E-S) relations of the three phases in 1L ReS2 under strain (Fig.3 c,d). In terms of the uniaxial case, the stability superiority of the T’’ phase reduces upon a compressive strain along lattice direction a and a crossover of the total energies of T’’and T’ phases is found. Yet the T phase remains very unstable under uniaxial compressive strain, and it becomes the most stable phase when a biaxial strain is applied. The transition lattice constants are comparable with the experimentally derived lattice constants measured. Formation energies of S vacancies (single and bi- vacancies) and their associated displacement threshold energies (Td) of 1L ReS2 were revealed by DFT calculations. It indicates S-3 vacancy is the easiest one to be created, which is consistent with the experimental observation.

This work demonstrates that down to atomic precision, the focused e– beam patterning technique is capable of engineering the metallic T or T’ phase from 1D line to 2D surface at both grain domains and boundaries on the semiconducting T’’ phased ReS2 and ReSe2 monolayers. It provides an ideal patterning precision up to the sub-Å scale after aberration correction and results in phase patterning areas from several to ≈100 nm2, which is orders of magnitude greater than any conventional lithography techniques.