I. 英文原版

A research paper is rarely easy to write. Scientists are required to assemble facts, figures, details, and data into a compelling paper. But how do we make how paper effective?

Professor George Schatz, Ph.D., Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University and Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C Letters says before writing anything down, have a vision of what the story is to make the writing process the most efficient. You should write a paper in terms of telling a story, not a display of your results.

It’s important that people read and find papers that inspire them, adds Professor Shana Kelley, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biochemistry, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, and Associate Editor of ACS Sensors. The best practice is to use these to map out your own story for your research.

Professor Chad Mirkin, Ph.D., Director of the International Institute for Nanotechology and the George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University, and Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society says when you simply start trying to write a paper and later figure out the significance of the work, it ends up being poorly focused and a poorly told story. Instead, Mirkin adds, start with the conclusion. What have you taught the world with your findings?

Commonwealth Professor of Chemistry at the University of Virginia and Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis, T. Brent Gunnoe, Ph.D., asks what are your most compelling advances and results? These are the building blocks to your scientific story, and you shouldn’t let these get buried in data and interpretation. Build an introduction around conveying these results to build excitement.

Professor Stuart Rowan, Ph.D., Barry L MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering Innovation and Enterprise at the University of Chicago and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Macro Letters advises that researchers spend time thinking about how to tell the story. More complex research makes it harder to get the story across.

Two things researchers need to focus on before writing are what is my reader getting from this? and what is the story I want to tell? These questions will aide in shaping the rest of the paper by placing the most important information in the spotlight.

II. 中文版


西北大学化学系教授George Schatz博士,Charles E.和Emma H. Morrison教授,《物理化学杂志A / B / CLetters》主编说,在写下任何东西之前,要有一个愿景,让写作过程变得最有效。你应该从讲故事的角度写一篇论文,而不是展示你的结果。

重要的是人们阅读并找到激发他们灵感的论文,多伦多大学化学,制药科学,生物化学和生物医学工程杰出教授Shana Kelley博士补充道,ACS Sensors的副主编。最佳做法是使用这些来绘制您自己的研究故事。

国际纳米技术研究所所长、西北大学乔治·B·拉斯曼化学教授、《美国化学学会杂志》副主编Chad Mirkin博士说,当你只是开始尝试写一篇论文,然后弄清楚这项工作的重要性时,它最终会变得重点不集中,故事讲得很差。相反,米尔金补充说,从结论开始。你的发现教会了世界什么?

弗吉尼亚大学英联邦化学教授和ACS Catalysis副主编T. Brent Gunnoe博士问你最引人注目的进展和结果是什么?这些是你科学故事的基石,你不应该让这些被埋没在数据和解释中。围绕传达这些结果进行介绍以建立兴奋感。

芝加哥大学Stuart Rowan教授,Barry L MacLean分子工程创新和企业教授和ACS Macro Letters主编建议研究人员花时间思考如何讲述这个故事。更复杂的研究使得故事更难被理解。
